Transition Management

Controlling Your Chaos
Facility managers often view the transition period between contracts as a time of chaos and disruption. Not clients of ResourceOne. We have more transition experience than any other firm in the region. Our transition planning approach ensures an orderly process - even in the most difficult situations. We have planned transitions for properties of all sizes, including properties over 1 million square feet.
A Process Based Approach
We know your reputation is on the line during a transition, so we take over a property on a weekend to minimize disruptions and to demonstrate clear results when your employees return on Monday morning. We form a Transition Team to oversee a detailed, itemized plan that is specific to each client's needs. This process includes:
Interviews with all tenants to determine their needs and special requests
A building-specific schedule of services, with a complete inventory of supply, equipment and storage needs
A baseline quality-control rating, with a step-by-step plan for quality improvement
Building-specific supervisory and crew training
A site crew with prior experience working together as a team